Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/1e296f482d7c11efb2540afffdab4081

Reading and Writing Skills for College Prep

with Jeremy Lehan

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If you are planning to take or are currently enrolled in a college reading or writing class, this class is for you.  

Reading/Writing Skills will help students improve reading comprehension and critical analysis; in addition, it will cover the grammar and writing skills that are required for success in college level courses.


Class has begun
Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/1e577ae42d7c11efb2540afffdab4081

Reading and Writing Skills: Online College Support

with Heather Toth

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Note: This class will be offered virtually through a combination of email, texting, Zoom, and/or online learning. Students may occasionally be required to come to Skowhegan Area High School for testing.

These online tutoring sessions will help support students who are enrolled or are prepariung to enroll in college reading or writing classes.

Sessions must be scheduled with the instructor on Tuesday only.  Contact the Adult Education office at 207-474-7553 for more details.


Class has begun
Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/1d4f6b8c2d7c11efb2540afffdab4081

Algebra and Number Skills for College Prep

with January Hapworth

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Are you preparing to take or currently taking a college math course? In Algebra and Number Skills, there will be a review of whole number operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, and other essential math skills. You will also learn essential algebraic terms, equations, and processes.  This knowledge will increase your understanding and lead to greater success!


Class has begun
Original source: https://s3.amazonaws.com/coursestorm/live/media/1df7296b2d7c11efb2540afffdab4081

Algebra and Number Skills: Online College Support

with January Hapworth

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Note: This class will be offered virtually through a combination of email, texting, Zoom, and/or online learning. Students may occasionally be required to come to Skowhegan Area High School for testing. A math CASAS score of 225 or above is recommended for this class.

These online tutoring sessions will help support students who are enrolled or are prepariung to enroll in Algebra I and/or entry-level college math. 

Sessions must be scheduled with the instructor.  Contact the Adult Education office at 207-474-7553 for more details.


Class has begun
Original source: https://www.b-c-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pexels-michelangelo-buonarroti-4175328-1280x854.jpg

FAME – Adulting 102, Money Grows


March 19th, 2025

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So, you’re on a budget, managing a bank account, and wondering about the next steps in your financial journey. In Adulting 102, we will look at the differences between saving and investing, and if you are ready to invest, how to get started. Other topics will include protecting your assets (insurance), advanced budgeting, and understanding the role economics plays in our financial life. Join Steve Kautz, Financial Education Programs Specialist from the Finance Authority of Maine for this 1-hour virtual workshop as you take the next steps into adulting.



Original source: https://www.b-c-training.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pexels-michelangelo-buonarroti-4175328-1280x854.jpg

FAME – Scholarship Searches and Applications


February 26th, 2025

Price not available More Info

Scholarships can go a long way in helping students cover college costs, but being successful in the scholarship application process can take some work. In this session you’ll learn to build and work your own scholarship application plan. You’ll also learn about and try out different scholarship websites, learn how to best use a scholarship information tracker, and learn to avoid some of the challenges of the scholarship process.

Students and parents interested in learning about the scholarship process can join Jessica Whittier, College Access Counselor with the Finance Authority of Maine for this 1-hour workshop as we talk scholarships.