University Course Site
University College offers access to quality public higher education statewide. The Skowhegan Course Site offers friendly staff to proctor exams, accessing computers, or just providing a quiet place to study.The Skowhegan Site has a computer lab with four computers with Internet access, a laser printer, fax machine, and a resource library to help you with your class papers and assignments. Many University of Maine students enjoy the local access to college classes and the supportive services the Skowhegan Course Site provides.For more information about the Skowhegan Course Site please call the Adult Education office at 207-474-7553.
COURSE PROPOSALS – Teachers who would like to teach a new course in the next session must submit a New Course Proposal to the Adult Education Director according to the schedule below:
- Spring classes > deadline November 1st
- Fall classes > deadline June 1st
Returning teachers must confirm in writing by the same deadlines above that they would like to teach again the next term.
How do I request a GED or HiSET Transcript?
Log onto the website:
Or call (855) 313-5799 during hours of operation: M-F 8:30am to 6pm
Fees will be charged for all requests
I need to renew my Certification, who should I contact?
For official information regarding teacher certification, please contact the Maine Department of Education Certification Office at 624-6603 or visit their website at