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Tech Spot – Skowhegan Location

with Lynn Perry

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The Tech Spot is a School and Community Project that offers technology advice and tutoring to adults from throughout our school district.

Examples of possible help sessions include general computer operation, conducting web searches, using Facebook and other social media programs, and operating Smart phones, iPads, Tablets, and PCs. Assistance with some software applications such as Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel & PowerPoint) is available as well.

FMI or to schedule an appointment with the Tech Spot staff, please call the Adult Education office at 474-7553.

Project partners include RSU 54 Adult & Community Education, Town of Skowhegan, and the RSU 54 Technology Staff.

Class has begun
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Life Skills

with Jean Philpot

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In this class, especially designed for adults with learning challenges, students will enhance everyday life skills by improving their basic reading, writing, and problem-solving proficiencies.

Participants will work toward developing customer service, teamwork, and business skills by operating a small café.

 Learners set their own individualized goals and work toward them in a safe, nurturing, and creative environment. Contact the Adult Education office for additional information.

Class has begun
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Alice Haiss of Skowhegan worked as an adult education teacher for many years as part of the Somerset County Basic Skills Program.  She was a literacy, basic skills, GED Preparation and English as a Second Language teacher at the program's Learning Center.  She also taught GED Preparation, basic and life skills at the Somerset County Jail for years.  During that period, she took part in a federal grant project called the Esteem Machine that combined the teaching of life skills with academic skills.

Haiss also worked for Educational Skills, Inc., where she facilitated Project Resiliency, and intervention program to prevent female juvenile offenders from being incarcerated at a youth correctional center.  The program focused on the development of problem solving, communication, team-building, and self-esteem building.

This scholarship will benefit any adult education learners who are pursuing education or training in high demand, high skill, or high wage occupations.

Awards will be announced yearly at the Adult Education Graduation in June.

Click Here for an Application